Generally I don't hit this level of frustration right away. Usually if I'm hitting things with a hammer (or, more often, a scrap 2x4) I have already thrown a bunch of things around the studio. This space is sort of narrow but really long so it is very satisfying to throw things. It's also sort of a moment of instant meditation since the thing has such a long way to go before it hits the wall (god forbid it should hit the window). I have time to watch it fly through the air and think "Uh oh, there goes the keyboard. I guess I'm going to have to buy a new one of those. Maybe it won't break too badly. [F/X: sound of keyboard breaking badly.] Huh."
On a similar topic, the CompUSA store in Manhattan has PC keyboards for only $10. And let me tell you, these things are the cutting edge. It's even got that thrilling new "turbo" key on it! Ooooh.