Thank god for proofreaders! ...Jeez, I never thought I'd write those words. Generally, I hate those folks. I mean, their whole reason for being is to pick over your work and find all the minute (yet significant) ways in which you screwed up. But it is words like "stripping" which were coined purely with the intent of tripping up a dyslexic idiot like myself that leave me loving my proofreader (although not in any literal sense; I don't want Mr. Wagner looking for ways to implant a baseball bat in my head). Thanks, Heather!
Personally, I think it would be great if strippers started their acts wearing winter coats. I mean, most likely you're paying for this performance (and if you're not, god bless you both) so why wouldn't you want to get the most for your money? If the stripper is pretty close to stripped before the stripping even begins... well, there is no accounting for taste.