Strangely enough, I was super tired while I was inking this episode so I really did have to force myself to get it done. Speak of the devil, I guess.
The idea that theft is work is based on the idea that it is difficult to get away with a crime. I guess you could also point to something like American politics as proof that thieves can find employment.
Most likely this is exactly what a Evolution would sound like if it manifested a personality. Should you pray to a scientific model? Well... it depends on how you view science. What we think of as religion is basically a calcified model of the universe -- people continue to be persuaded by it despite the evolution of human inquiry into the nature of things. This can be explained by the large amount of uncertainty on which religions are based.
Of course it is possible to be oblivious to one's own mistakes and failings. Indeed, this is just as much an answer to getting by in life as self improvement. The only people who are going to have a problem with their failures are those people who are cognizant enough to recognize what they are doing but who are also too frail to do any better.
People have actually commented to me lately that my writing has been fairly unintelligible. ...Okay.