
The universe, ladies and gentlemen, is passive. It doesn't "care" about you and there is no purpose to your life. However, passive doesn't mean inactive. Without caring, the universe will roll over you and crush you to pulp just as easily as it will carry you to wondrous heights. Once again, what we've got is a situation in which the truth is both horrifyingly depressing and fantastically encouraging -- you can do whatever you want with your life ...just not for very long.

Whatever Frank did to his arm in the first panel seems to have been pretty devastating as he has switched to bowling left handed in the third panel. ...I hate it when I do that.

The young lady's criticism in the last panel can be attributed to the lovely and talented Kathryn Gritt who used to ask me that question every time a video game got me frustrated enough to break things. I guess the only answer is that pain isn't the only thing we feel. ...Of course, "bowling is life" works, too.


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