People We Claim To Be Associated With
Just like you thought, we have no friends. But these people accept a small check each month to pretend as if they like us. Isn't capitalism wonderful?
Chris Shieh's trend-defying blog. Mr. Shieh is probably the most gracefully witty person I have ever met.
Kip Rood
Kip has the dubious honor of having worked with me longer than any other person on the planet. He is a brilliant cartoonist with an inimitable style and once drew the funniest comic strip I have ever read.
Artichoke Yink Press
This small press, run by Christopher Wilde, publishes my tiny, handmade comics. ...Actually, Mr. Wilde has simply been unable to stop me from stamping the Artichoke Yink name on my books.
Hot Iron Press
Kyle and Jenny of Hot Iron Press are the two most patient people I've ever worked with.
Mark Wagner
Mr. Wagner continues to encourage me to continue to make art and support me in my endeavors because despite the fact that he is a goddamn genius he is also a slow, stubborn Midwestern boy. I don't know where I'd be without him.
David Last
Another old friend, Mr. Last can do anything write, draw, sing or make any kind of music. He's done everything from pop music to avant garde electroinc stuff (like, the clicks and hisses kind of thing) to dub reggae to actually interesting minimalist techno (I'm not sure how he pulled of that last stunt, to be honest).
Kathryn Gritt, photographer.
If I had to recommend a model personality for This Modern Age, it'd have to be Jane. Her website will get you up to speed on her performances, teaching, singing, writing and philosophy.

Check out the virtual presence of Mr. Scott Teplin who makes super excellent art. Visit his site, send him adoring e-mail, stalk him for a while and then give him lots of money for his art. Go, now!
So Called Poetry
This is a kind of intimate website run by a friend of mine who is affectionately known as Sootims. Kind of makes it sound like she's a Muppet.
Adolescent Love Poetry
More poetry! Heather McCabe, my sometimes copyeditor, is a contributor to this site. I highly recommend her limericks. Also amusing on this site is the FAQ section. No, really. It's a great FAQ.
Dragonize Metamedia
Now we are talking hip design, yeah. This is a slick 'zine from the mind/hand/robotic-prothesis of Mr. Jeff Stein. (Jeff is cool! You know that generic movie fight scene where the combatants roll flailing down the stairs? Oh c'mon, you've seen it. ...well, Jeff is a man who has lived it. That makes him pretty cool in my book.)
Content on this site changes with Jeff's moods ...which is to say sweepingly and frequently. I can't guarantee that what you see here will be coherant but it will probably be interesting. Give it a go.
