Here it is again, another case in which I rip off Mr. Millionaire ripping off Mr. Herriman ripping of Mr. Melies. We all just like that moon, I guess. And speaking of ripping people off, this month's banner features a riff on the original title for Monty Python's Flying Circus. You can actually see this in the early opening sequences for the show where a kind of shipwrecked looking guy crawls up to the camera from a long way off and tries to announce the show but gets cut off after only saying "It's..." Not much of a title for a television show, of course, and so the whole long airborne snake show in a tent moniker. (And as far as ripping people off goes, I might get it wrong but at least I'm trying to be honest about it.)
Hm... possibly this isn't clear: the reason that Pinkey gets burnt up when the rocket takes off but the little guy comes out okay is that the little guy is standing behind the rocket stand thing. Some people would say "why don't you fix up the comic so that it is clear, you idiot?" But then there are also people who say that Aliens led by Elvis killed JFK. So what are you going to do?
I have to admit that I like the idea of a "Launch Stan," like there is a kind of TV Lenny out there who sells towers to fire your homemade rockets off of. It makes me kind of giggle. Just a little bit.