It's the reference episode! ...Not to confuse that with either "reference drivers" or reference audio equipment, this episode just has a few obtuse references in it.
Firstly, the starting point for this episode came from a song by the band Quasi in which they say: "I got a lesson on how to flog a dying horse." When I'm writing these things I often find myself staring at an empty grid with just the words "Hello and welcome to the show" written in. I find that an interesting way around this sort of writers block kind of problem is to simply take the first thing that comes to mind, write it down and work from there.
The second reference is more obtuse. A friend of mine, Kip Rood, used to draw a comic strip called Bill's Foot. I liked this comic strip a whole lot. Kip is responsible for the best four panel comic strip ever drawn, in my opinion. The whole strange joke about Drain-o (which I am going to insist on misspelling, thank you very much) and clogs comes directly from one of Kip's comics. My dream is that this plagiarism will infuriate Mr. Rood to the extent that he is forced to resume drawing Bill's Foot. ...Everyone has to have a dream.
Finally, the line "up the dosage" is stole from the movie Real Genius. The original line is "up the voltage" but the meaning is the same.
Mars' helmet is looking rather fine in this episode, I think.