People probably don't really talk like this but my copyeditor seems to have abandoned me so I guess I can do whatever I please. I'm taking the word 'aesthetic' to stand in for the concept of 'aesthetic systems' in the sense that Hegel developed, only lest strident. This episode began with thoughts of currently developing aesthetics and how people get caught up in these trends. I would recommend that no one take this kind of abuse from some aesthetically oriented thug. Don't hesitate, just fire right back.
Bill seems to have a varying degree of awareness of his existence as a cartoon character. IN this episode he seems to be able to identify the panels that surround him but is unable to deal with some of the metaphysical ramifications of that system. Well, everyone is welcome to go nuts in whatever way they please.
The banner for this month may seem more appropriate for whatever month it is that has Valentine's Day in it. (Is that February? Why don't I know things like this?) I say to hell with organizing emotional experiences. If you've got feelings, it's best to just acknowledge the damn pesky things. So for all the people out there who are having inappropriately scheduled romantic interludes: More power to ya!