Generally speaking, I find the dictionary to be a hysterical laugh riot. Currently I use my Grandmother's unabridged Webster's from 1943 (it's an heirloom) and a pocket Oxford dictionary from 1983 that someone foisted off on me as a birthday present (I think it was a recycled Barmitzvah gift, but I can't say for sure). Anyway, when I looked up louver in my dictionaries here I found that, well... the name of the French museum comes from a kind of building that features said devices. Originally Bill was going to make a reference about the Louver, but this sober dictionary reference kind of took the wind out of my sails for some reason. This is the first time the dictionary has put a damper on my sense of mirth.
Nonetheless, Bill falls back on a reference (at least in my mind) to the episode of The Muppet Show guest-starring Paul Simon.