Change is probably a good thing. Reason this way: There are probably a number of fates worse than simply dying, but a good deal of the popluation of this planet is only barely staving off death. This means that if we were to weigh the good vs. bad possiblities on a scale, on the side of the scale labeled "bad" we'd have everything between a modicum of health and death, and on the side of the scale labeled "good" we'd have every imaginable amenity that could ever be enjoyed by human existence. In short, for most people on this planet the degree to which their situation can improve is greater than the degree to which it can get worse. Change, therefore, is going to be a good thing since it offers a greater number of good possibilities than bad. (Yeah, this reasoning works along the same lines as John Mills' "for the greater good" argument. I'm just talking out of my ass here, give me a break.) Anyway...
No matter how we feel about it, change is probably going to visit The Pinkey Suthers Show in the near future. Up until now I've had episodes of the show written well in advance. For months at a time I would write a new episode every day, creating episodes seven times faster than I could use them up. This gave me a really large store of material. In fact, I haven't really written more than a handful of new episodes in the last year. As I write the notes to this episode, I have no new episodes on paper. It's been three years now; I've drawn over 150 episodes of The Pinkey Suthers Show.
I don't know what I'm doing next week. Weird.